The Art of Narrative blog

What we’ve been talking about. Time & Time-Shifts.

The post discusses the narrative use of time and time-shifts and the challenges they pose for writers. It emphasizes the importance of purposeful time shifts, providing examples and insights from a writer’s workshop. Additionally, the post invites writers to join Jane Messer’s interactive online workshops.

Don’t bother with resolutions, just write.

New workshops for 2024. And other news. There’s no need to be writing into the ‘void’ as one of my workshoppers described the very solitary journey of writing her novel. For many of us writers, at one time or another, working on our own, without a readership to encourage, critique or in any way appraise…

Reading Like A Writer

Thanks to Lee Kofman for inviting me to contribute to her blog, ‘The Writer Laid Bare’. See below for a brief bio on Lee. Read my original contribution at: Reading like a Writer: A Guest Post by Jane Messer ( Reading has been essential to my development as a writer. I don’t just read as…

Speech and silence in narrative

One of the things I love about my writing workshops is that all sorts of questions come up spontaneously during our discussions, and directly from the creative works underway. Using these prompts, I prepare short essays, or micro-lessons, about these questions of technique, revision and editing that the writers have raised along the way. What…

Position of the ‘I’ from observer to centre stage  

This passage is from the contemporary British author Deborah Levy’s memoir, The Cost of Living: a working autobiography. It’s a brilliant example of how much presence the narrator can have as an observer, on the sidelines.    ‘As Orson Welles told us, if we want a happy ending, it depends on where we stop the story.…

The ‘I’ and other voices

This is my second post for writers on the topic of the first person ‘I’ in creative nonfiction and memoir.

Dramatisation & reflection

Over my many years of teaching creative writing I’ve written a great deal for students about the art of narrative writing, and specific techniques. I love doing this kind of work as by reading closely and thinking a passage through, I’m also teaching myself as a writer. By working from a close reading of a…


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